Since 2022, Audensiel has been a partner of the association Les Entreprises pour la Cité, which fights inequalities among school and young adult audiences through various programs, including the Innov'Avenir program. The actions carried out with the association take place mainly in Île de France and fall within the framework of our CSR commitments in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals and more particularly SDG 17.

Ibrahim speaks of his experience with our partner association Les Entreprises pour La Cité
Ibrahim, Multiplatform Developer at Audensiel has agreed to engage with our partner association by participating in the Innov'Avenir program.
He worked in pairs with a person from another company in several institutions to exchange and raise awareness among young people about digital professions and codes. Ibrahim was also able to share his experience when he had to choose his career path.
Skill-based sponsorship, an action linked to our CSR approach
Audensiel pursues a CSR approach guided by the principles of the UN Global Compact to which it is a signatory and the Sustainable Development Goals identified according to the company’s activity. As such, Audensiel is committed to 7 Sustainable Development Goals, including no. 17: Partnerships for the achievement of objectives.
Therefore, in order to meet this objective, Audensiel is committed to the missions of the association Les Entreprises pour la Cité by proposing the missions of the association to its employees. By putting their skills at the service of the association, our employees contribute to our raison d'être “Facilitating access to digital uses and professions in order to contribute to a more just and inclusive society.”
Watch the full interview of Ibrahim on video :
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