Isabelle joined the company in 2020 to carry out her missions near Dijon. Fullfilled in her work, she shares her experience with Audensiel.

Can you describe your job and explain your evolution ?
Initially, my manager gave me assignments for English clients. Then, I was able to extend my scope with French clients. And since 2022, I also manage the billing service.
What is your professional background ?
Before working as an assistant project manager, I did various jobs until I met Audensiel. The adventure I am living today started thanks to this meeting and I am very satisfied. I would also like to thank my manager, Céline, who accompanies me with kindness and positivity in my professional development.
What are you most proud of about your work ?
To have shown that I was able to carry out the missions entrusted to me. Moreover, it is a joy to work with my team.
What do you like about Audensiel ?
There is a real team spirit. Local management is conducted with professionalism. As a collaborator, you really feel considered and accompanied. Finally, the pro/personal life balance is respected.
What advice would you give to an applicant who wishes to join Audensiel ?
That he/she can join the Audensiel adventure without hesitation. He/ She will find all the elements to work in the best conditions with a team listening to him. In fact, I co-opted someone from my entourage to join Audensiel. Today, she is very satisfied with her experience.
What is your talent ?
I am said to be an empathetic and attentive person. People know they can trust me without judgment.
If you were to take three elements to a desert island, what would they be ?
I’ll take the picture of my kids, my phone and some food.
Last word ? I sincerely thank the team for the opportunity. If I am here today, it is thanks to my work certainly but it is also thanks to Audensiel. Indeed, this adventure is my best experience.
Do you also want to join a company where it is good to work ?
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