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What is the agile method?

The agile method was officially born in 2001 in the United States. It is based on two fundamental principles, short objectives and the customer at the heart of the project.

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Indeed, this method responds to the defined and evolving needs of the client based on an iterative principle (unlike traditional methods in which we find non-iterative projects, that is to say non-repetitive.)

In agile method, you set short goals. This helps to better manage productivity and performance throughout the project and improve end customer satisfaction.

The advantages of the agile method

First, this method offers flexibility to adapt to customer demands. Since the project progresses in stages, the teams finalize and achieve the objectives of each stage of the project one by one.

Contingencies are better managed because as long as a stage of the project is not finalized, the teams do not move on to the next stage.

Finally, this method is based on several key principles. Customer satisfaction is the priority in this type of project. A satisfied customer will be loyal. The client is in permanent contact with the teams, which offers exchanges of information throughout the project. This agile approach tends towards a sustainable pace of development, giving teams the means to be ever more efficient.

Audensiel and the agil method

As part of our Digital offer, our Audensiel team supports you on high value-added projects by applying the agile method.

Want to know more ? Contact us by clicking here.

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